About Us

Pastor Roy Finch


Prayer is the first of the Church of God of Prophecy’s five core values. Prayer touches everything, informs all activities, empowers all ministry and service, and permeates the work from beginning to end. 
We hold God’s Harvest call as a core value and a central mandate. It has not been rescinded or completely fulfilled. Neither can it be until all have heard. 
Leadership Development is a third core value. The Church of God of Prophecy has used significant resources to create systems that cultivate a culture of excellence and produce competent, skilled leaders. The Church has created stable, reproducible results in its leadership training programs and built accountability into those programs. The Church has also significantly and measurably strengthened collaboration and connectedness among ministry leaders. 
Jesus served. He calls his followers to serve. All across the world, Church of God of Prophecy leaders, churches, and members serve their communities in a myriad of ways. 
The Church affirms that everything belongs to God and we are responsible to manage his holdings well and according to his desires and purposes.